Friday, January 12, 2007

I don't want to jinx it - but we've slept 3 nights now! :)
I think of so much to say here - but then I guess I get writer's block as soon as I sit down. Never been good at the whole journal thing. Hmm...oh yeah the other day we were talking about kids and if you would be upset if they followed in your footsteps. Most of the group said yes! I was a little surprised. I want Emily to have more self descipline than I do - but for the most part I'm not ashamed of my choices. I think a good life is one filled with stories - not neccessarily from studying in the library. My dad ALWAYS has a story - I guess that's what I thought I should have. So maybe I may censor my stories, but I still want Emily to enjoy life.
What's that saying about sliding into the grave with a worn out body, not a perfect unused one?

Making progress on the digital babybook. I think I just finished May. I'm not sure how much the thing is going to cost - at the rate I'm going it will be 60 pages!!! But hey its all about the kiddo right?

My goal this year is to keep up with birthdays better. -- so far so good :) I don't know who all reads this, but to be safe you should send me your birthdate :)

The weather has been great here. It will be cold next week, but I've worn shorts all January :) I pick summer as my favorite season, but I'm thinking I may have to change it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Funny you should use that "sliding into the grave..." line. Cause my Dad just used it not too long ago in his blog.

Good for you on the baby book. I bet it'll be cool. Might have to look into it.
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