Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I'm up....just wanted to share

Ahhhh! 2:30am. Not a time I enjoy being awake. I''m sure I'll pay for it tomorrow - but Emily woke up at midnight and I can't go back to sleep - so I decided to share my rambling thoughts.
I had this weird sensation in my neck this evening. Could not figure it out. Yeah that would be soreness (spelling?) from the push ups I did. Sad when you can't even comprehend being sore because you haven't worked out in so long. I did the Billy Blanks Bootcamp workout. Well let me clarify that. I'm not a DVD workout girl - but with Emily's nap coinciding with the gym's kid's clud times, I've got to do something at home - so DVDs it is. I like the pilates - but wanted something a little high energy. I watched it through over the weekend. High energy it is! So yesterday I put Emily down for her nap - and I made it through the stretch and warm up. Yep that's it. and even worse....I'm sore. I will say those two steps included about 100 squats and about 30 pushups. I'm not down though I did take Allie for a big walk. So long story short - I accomplished some sort of exercise yesterday :)
Another accomplishment - I've been working on all the digital pictures so that we could burn CDs - to have as back ups. I'm got a few more months to do on 2006 and then I'll be caught up :)
Started Emily's baby book again. That is the goal for this month. Atleast the book I'm doing online - www.picaboo.com The other one will fall in place as that one does - just need a plan.
Other goal is to "spring clean". I looked around yesterday and really I don't have that much organizing and purging to do since we just moved in last year. Mainly the files, Emily's clothes and toys, and a really really really good housecleaning. I think I will try to do finish this week - then I will have clean work enviroment to focus on the book.
Now that we have all that settled - wonder if I can sleep?

Hope you were finally able to get to sleep! And I totally hear ya about trying to get some workout time fit in. Somedays it's just inpossible!! Good luck :)
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