Friday, January 19, 2007



I am so excited! I got up this morning to check the weather and see if I could take all these dogs for a walk this morning. and there it email from my college roommate!!!! I made some good friends in college, but no one like Melanie! She taught me to be truly happy, among many other things :) As the years went by we've both moved a few times and lost touch. I can't explain how excited I am. I think about her alot - especially New year's Eve - her birthday is New Year's Day - talk about a birthday party! This may sound crazy but I've had thoughts of using one of those people search services to find her. It so hard to find females - epecially if they've changed names and moved. I remember when she called and told me she was pregnant - I'm looking forward to sharing the news of Emily with her. :)

Speaking of Emily - she's had a hard few days. I'm hoping its teeth. She's almost 13 months and only has the two bottom teeth. But last night she went to bed at 6:30 without a sound and slept peacefully through the night!!
Off to the dog park - Hope everyone's day starts out as great as mine! :)

That is exciting!! I know how happy that must of made you :)

Oh that poor baby. She's gonna cut teeth like mine did 2-4 at a time. Oh...bless her heart :(
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