Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Very busy with my indoor activities - actaully just killing time. I updated my links - that's only taken 9 months. I read a few random blogs - lumpyhead being one of them. The lady just cracks me up for some reason. Rosie I just like. Not saying I always agree with her, but overall I like her. Then I just put a few links I tend to lose - like the Paramount in Austin. Its an old theatre downtown. Not really a bad seat in the house and they get some cool things. I think we will go to a concert for Aaron's birthday. And the sex offender one - well that's just handy to have.

Now about some of these random blogs I read. I didn't link all of them - but most I do enjoy. I find one lady in California amusing. She always writes about fashion and decorating --- really is that all you have to share or maybe that's just the intention of the blog. When I was pregnant and and not vomitting I would sit and read blogs - thanks to Jim. Then I started reading Angie's - cause Jim became a slacker and Angie shared more stories and pics of the kids (meaning I saw the reason I was tossing my cookies every day all day for 20+ weeks). Through Angie I found Kim. Now I've never met Kim but I feel so close to her. (that sounds so creepy to me for some reason) Anyway Kim is great at blogging -very seldom misses a day and just fills us in on her world - great pictures. Then I found Kelley's blog through Kim. Followed her house remodeling and building progress. Now I enjoy reading these girls. They are scrappers -- but devote their blog to other things. I'm not much on the scrapbooking and that seems to be the topic of most blogs I come across. I had one blog I loved from Canada - but they stopped when the twins turned two. I guess I like the blogs that share pics and stories of the kiddos. So that brings me to think about my own blog and what's the purpose. I seem to just ramble. Emily's blog is easy - just pictures - but this one I'm just not sure. I guess its just to share my idle thoughts.

So next blog's thought.....the English language and how it makes NO sense, especially spelling.
Hope everyone is staying warm!

That's cool that you've found so many cool people to read blogs on. Every time I go search around...I just find freaks!!
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