Friday, February 02, 2007


The flu strikes......

Friday is here again. I was excited last night. This week flew by and now its time for another weekend!!! and now Aaron is sick :( I think its the flu - he has chills and is achy. Doesn't he know to be sick on Monday? and miss work not a weekend? Poor guy. Now I've got to keep it to him and hopefully not catch it myself or let Emily get it. She atleast did get a flu shot so maybe just maybe she is protected. Her week has been pretty hard - little sleep and lots of whining from the teeth. I think wed. she started getting some relief, as long as I keep the motrin and tylenol in her.
So much for a fun filled weekend - but keep your fingers crossed, maybe its just a 24 hr thing -- maybe?!
Did my 5K training this week. Wed was hard. I don't know why - it was the same workout as Monday. Hopefully today won't be too bad. :)
Aaron and I are getting a weekend getaway in a couple of weeks. His aunt and uncle will come keep Emily. I bought the tickets for the concert we are seeing - this morning. I'm so excited. Not the best tickets but the place is pretty small so I don't think they will be bad. I can't wait!! Aaron will take Friday off and we will see the show and then Sat we can do whatever - no schedule...none!!! then Sunday we will head home. I hope Emily does well for them. I'm a little nervous, but not enough to keep me from going :)
Wed. night was Mom's night out. We had fun. One poor lady was hurting the next day. I'd only met her one other time - but this time she was so drunk, loud and obnoxious - something I'm sure I've never been! Anyway one lady used to cut hair - so we all got new do's !!! I was going to do it as a reward for training for 3 weeks - but who can pass up a free cut? and a good one at that!
Well I hope everyone has a great weekend (and a speedy recovery!) I guess to keep Emily from catching it I'll just have to take her shopping hehe :)

Hope Aaron gets better soon and you and Emily have fun shopping :)

A weekend away sounds fun. What concert are you going to?
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