Tuesday, February 20, 2007

:) Hopefully I will have great news to share in the next day or so. I haven't been given clearance to tell the world yet. :)

In other news, had a great 8 days with my mom. Got alot accomplished and Aaron and I even went out to dinner one night. Mom went home Sat and Sun we hung with Tom, Kristi, and Hayden all day. Little Emily took the longest nap yesterday. Poor kiddo - just worn out from a week with Granny. She still only has the two bottom teeth. I swear it looks like another bottom one is coming but you can't feel it.

Last week I got Emily enrolled in MDO. They haven't told me what day yet - but honestly I could care less. I'm just so excited that we made the step. It will be one day a week and then maybe after she's two we will bump it up to two days a week.It doesn't start until Sept - crazy that you have to enroll 6 months in advance!! Everyone acts like its a big scramble to get a spot - but the lady let me register a day early :)

Roger and Shirley come next week. They are going to keep Emily for a couple of nights while Aaron and I take a little trip for his birthday #35 :) I got a GREAT deal on hotwire.com I was nervous at first because its one of those that you don't know the name of the hotel until you pay - but it turned out great. I'm excited for a little weekend getaway. :)

Took the week off from 5k training while mom was here - must train today!!!...since mom isn't here I don't have an excuse - just lacking motivation today.

I hope every one has a great week :)

Funny you mention MDO. I just got off the phone with the one here. He diesn't have to wait to start though. We'll go up this afternoon, after nap and go check it out. I hope it's a good decision (for us).

Can't wait to hear you news...

Have fun on your trip! I'm excited for ya :)
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