Wednesday, February 21, 2007


..News Flash...

Kermit the Frog here... just kidding - but anyone remember Kermit doing the news on the Muppet Show?
Anyway........back to the news..... the suspense is killing you...huh? huh?
My parents are moving to Tyler!!! May not seem too exciting to you, but for us its GREAT!!! Emily will actually be able to spend time with them. It won't be 9-12 hrs to go see them. Under 4!! I'm hoping they will keep her like once a month or so. I'm so excited! Plus I will actually get to hang out with them on a regular basis. Not 8 days straight ever 3-4 months and that's usually just my mom.
Plus my parents hate NM - so they are thrilled to be moving :)
My dad is changing jobs. He'll be working with my brother in law - won't that just be cozy - lol ! :)
Anyway that's the news!
Now its time for lunch - Emily has declared that she is hungry!

Oh Reagan!! I'm so happy for you!!! And I bet they are so happy to get to be closer to you and your SWEET baby! And of course Aaron :) That's great news...very happy for you guys!!
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