Wednesday, February 07, 2007


WHAT is going on?

So here's the scoop I have eluded to with a few of you.....
Craziest 48 hrs ever!!! Monday morning Aaron went to work to be informed that his office would be closed at the end of the month! AAHHHH! WHAT? By the next morning there were rumors that minds had changed and maybe that didn't include Aaron and one other guy. As of lunch today we are safe. He doesn't have an office, but will hopefully office at his brother's place since he does a lot of work for them any way. Working from home is not really an option. We have a great houseplan but our office is open - no door to close and pretend he's gone to work. Anyway we are starting to feel a little better but definitely not secure. We will still be in the save every penny mode for a while - just in case somebody changes their mind again.
So I called my parents to tell them and they inform me that one of their Roth IRAs had been cleaned out. How this is even possible who knows. My parents seem to get hit a lot. Last month someone in Romania used their credit card number at an ATM for almost $1000. Needless to say their is an investigation now.
I also talked to Trish that day. She had come home from school to a house filled with gas.
And my sister in law wrote that she was stuck in the Newark Airport.
OMG!! I just want to scream. What is going on? Aaron and I just want some down time where nothing major is happening. I would love to be bored for a while.

On the brighter side my mom is coming for a visit - 8 days!!
We should have a lot of fun. I hope we get to the beach one day - maybe have a little seafood. :)

Today Emily and I went to the mommy group meeting at the gymnastics place. She couldn't really do anything but loved climbing on stuff and jumping on the mats. She took an amazing nap -- so amazing I got one too!!! Now I think we are going to take Allie to the park. Beautiful day here!

Hope everyone is having a much calmer week than we are.
Oh yeah we also celebrated our 8th anniversary this week :) Told ya its been a crazy roller coaster of a week.

Yowza girl! Man I hope the week gets better from here!! You'll definately need to have some time out when your Mom comes. Hang in there girl!
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