Monday, March 19, 2007


Crappy Daycare

I'm so frustrated. The first day of bootcamp was this morning. I got there 20 min early to drop off Emily and be where I was supposed to be. I walk in and they send me to the nursery, the nursery sends me back to the front which then sends me back to the nursery where I finally drop off Emily and fill out MORE forms. I tell them she has milk, water, and a snack in her bag along with diapers. They respond Great, make sure her name is on them. (making you think they would offer these to the kiddo) Off to boot camp I run, cause now I'm almost late. AAHHH!!! Drill instructors don't like tardiness by the way. When its almost over my cell phone rings - Emily has been crying off and on for an hour. WHAT???? Some of you don't see Emily often, but she doesn't cry because mommy isn't in the room. Most of the time she could care less. So as soon as we are released I run to get her. They tell me she was a handful and very upset from time to time. WHAT??? They tell me they had alot of kids, maybe that bothered her. Maybe I could try dropping her off for little bits of time. Sounds nice but I'm not a member of this place and probably never will be. Any she's crying and they are standing between us - cause they also want to double the childcare for this program. Anyway...........finally pick her up --- very wet diaper. Finally get to her bag - and its all still in there. Now really -- upset kid, and the mother made a point to tell you there was stuff in the bag...........Wouldn't you try some milk or water???????
Anyway I think Aaron may just work from home and watch her. He will be out of town for a couple of the times - but I really don't want to take her back there. I understand they were busy - but don't complain to me when you didn't even through a sippy cup of milk at her!!

But the camp was GREAT!!! A couple of the moms even threw up.....great uh? I knew it would be hard core and I'm excited!! He is very strict about diet - which I suck at. We have to write everything down -- damn accountability. I did have turkey sandwich for lunch - which he'll probably complain about the bread, but hey it was better than left over pizza!

Thanks for letting me vent! I know my kid's not perfect, but I also know she's not a terror to keep.
Enjoy the rest of your day :)

So sorry that daycare was crappy! I used to work at a Gold's Gym in Abilene and they wouln't change diapers "for sanitary reasons". So I'd go teach and they'd come interrupt my class and tell me that Matthew needs to have his diaper changed. I was like" I'm in the middle of something"!! Anyway, I learned then and there, that the quality of workers in gym daycares is FAR below that of the people who pick up trash on the sid e of the road!! I don't blame you for not wanting to take her back there. When does the MDO start?
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