Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Still here

After hearing everyone complain about NEW blogger, I kept putting it off - but today I had no choice. Honestly right now I see no change but I'm sure I will --- or maybe they've worked out all the kinks. Anyway - sorry to be so long in blogging. Its good to read your blog Jim :)
Our trip to Austin was great!! Nothing overly exciting to report - but that's what made it great. We ate soooo much food including bbq at 2 of our favorite places!!! One night we ate dinner at a place on the top floor of the hotel - wonderful view! The other night we had dinner and hung out with an old friend - It was great to see you Alex and even better to see you so happy!! Hope your mom is doing well.
Anyway.....Emily was cranky, snotty, and teething the whole time we were gone. I'm not sure if Roger and Shirley will want to babysit again - I know they were exhausted!
Emily did sleep last night - so maybe that tooth will popped through soon. I think the wind storms brought in alot of new funk because everyone is snotty - I hope hers clears up soon. So sad having a snotty little one.
Not a whole lot going on - having company in a couple of weeks for their spring break -- looking forward to going to Galveston with them. :)
My dad started his new job - they are looking at houses now. They thought they had sold theirs - but the couple changed their mind - Jesus told them it wasn't the right house! Whatever...
Anyway......Hope everyone has a great day!

Man, I'm jealous that you get to go the beach! We are going in June, but I wish were on the beach 24/7!!

Glad you had a nice weekend away. hope the baby gets those teeth thru soon! I know this can be a rough time for them and Momma :)
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