Sunday, March 18, 2007

Time flies when you're not blogging!
Not a whole lot of excitement around here. Mom and Dad should be moved by the end of the month. They sold their house and found a new one - all in the same week. I'm looking forward to seeing their new house - sounds really nice. It is out by the lake - not lake front like at PK lake but close enough. Now if I can just convince Dad he NEEDS a boat!! :)
Angie told me they will be RV owners soon. I'm can't wait to meet them camping. The kids will have so much fun. Plus its always more fun to camp with friends.
A friend of mine just got diagnosed with MS. I'm shocked! I can't believe we are getting to that age where our close friends will be getting diagnosed with all the stuff we've just heard about up to now. I hope that research has come far enough that she feels no pain and it doesn't disrupt her life. I love her and her family. I wish I was closer to help. It just sucks......and what do you say??
On a happier note -- Emily slept through the night last night. Every night is different and you just don't know. Sometimes she sleeps, sometimes she wakes up hungry, sometimes she wakes up cause her teeth or tummy are hurting. You just never know. We are not on a strict schedule around here but she does eat and go to bed at the same time. Who knows!!!
I went through her closet today. Aaron's aunt just mailed a huge box of clothes. Emily likes to help - she takes everything and puts it in a pile and them tries to wrap it all around her. She's funny. I'm glad she has a sense of humor :)
Aaron took the little greenhouse / shed thing on the side of our yard down. It looks so much better. He planted 12 tom. plants - that will be so much better to look at out the kitchen windows. However 12 tom. plants means ALOT of tom. and honestly I don't really like tom. But as I said it will be much nicer to look at.
Hopefully by next weekend I can plant the daisies.
I wish everyone a great week. I start fitness boot camp on Monday. Its MWF for 1 hour for 4 weeks. I'm excited - but know I will be in pain --- no pain no gain. Hopefully I will have some great numbers to report in the next few weeks.
Enjoy the day :)

That's great that everythings progressing well with your parents move! I know you all will love being closer together.

Sorry to hear about your friend. Jim's cousin has MS and leads a fairly normal life. She does a lot of "experimental" treatments and they seem to work well for her.

Look forward to camping. Jima nd I were just looking at the calendar and I got very POed to find out that we won't have a free weekend for 4 weeks!! So we'll have an rv but it'll just be sitting in the yard :(

Hope the all night sleeping continues. I know that that makes a world of difference in baby and Mommy's day :)
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