Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I've come to accept that I suck at blogging -- love to read everyone else's just don't want to spend the time on mine. Anyway.....We spent the weekend with my parents. It was good but crazy. They are trying to get so much done in such a short time. Mom thinks everything has to be unpacked, painted, planted, etc etc yesterday.....which just makes for a stressful situation. We were able to help with a few things. Aaron and I went out one stuck next to a 3-4 yr old having a fit for 30 min. Not judging the parents or the kid, just wishing for some peace and quiet. But it was a good dinner. My parents have one of those garden carts -- Emily loved being pulled around in it, so we got one to use as her wagon. I hope to take her and Honza (her little friend) around the neighborhood tomorrow.
Other good news.....Emily now has 5 teeth!!!
I lost 10.5 inches during boot camp. I loved it - recommend it to anyone. I hope to do another one in the fall - just to stay on track with working out.
Now that my parents live at the lake I'm hoping for a boat. Before I was worried about logistics - lake close by? how do you get the camper and boat there when we only have one vehicle to tow? but now we've got a free place to stay, babysitter, and storage nearby!!! I just have to convince everyone that a boat is a necessity!
And now thanks to Angie, I want to add to my tattoo!

Comments:'s contagious :) Not to my hubby though :)

I totally hear what your saying about blogging. I am great about reading them, but writing takes more effort/time than I have most days. But I'm trying to get better :)
Thanks for writing this.
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