Thursday, April 26, 2007


Stupid people bother me

OK so in the last post I told you about the birthday party and the lady who didn't mind her son kicking Emily because she wasn't crying this morning I get this email:

I am sorry if I was rude to you at Donna's. I did not recognize

you with your short hair and highlights. I didn't realize until
later, and then I was embarrassed. So I hope there are no hard


WOW - and I had her pegged for totally clueless. How wrong I was!! She picked right up on my, well let's just say unhappiness with her. Smart one I tell ya. Of course she missed the whole entire reason WHY! Honestly does she think I care whether or not she of all people recognizes me? NO -- You let your 3 yr old son kicked my 16 month old daughter in the head!!!! ..........and now you may understand why I've never liked this lady.

Good grief!'s ok to kick stangers? Hum.... Nice that she picked up on the fact that you got ticked off...
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