Monday, April 09, 2007

Thank you for all the birthday wishes!
Last week was crazy. Aaron had gone to Las Vegas, got in Sat, Emily puked the whole way home from the airport. Then I got it Monday and Aaron had it Thurs night / Friday morning.....Happy Birthday to me. We canceled all the birthday plans, but he started feeling a little better so Tom and Kristi brought dinner out and we still had ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins -- YUMMY!! So I guess the day turned out pretty good.
I missed two days of Boot Camp last week. Today wasn't too bad though. This is the last week. I kinda want to do it again - but I think I will take a break so I can have some freedom to visit my parents during the week. I haven't lost any weight but I did lose inches --- which is the important thing! Let's just hope the trainer sees it that way.
I got a new computer last week!! I'm so excited!! I was using my parents old old old one -- cause Aaron had stolen mine to use as an arcade (but I'm going to let that go now that I have a new one :)
Not much else going on. Planning a couple of camping trips. The first is to Arkansas to dig for diamonds with Aaron's Aunt and Uncle. Woo Hoo!! Trying to decide what we want to do for vacation this year - just Aaron and I. A few years ago we took a week and took the camper to Mt. Rushmore -- great trip!! I think we could do something like that again as long as Emily was with my parents. Tom and Kristi want us to go to Alaska with them. I kinda want to go to Maine and see the whales and stuff. Aaron wants to stay home and spend no money. But this mama needs out of the house!!! I can finally describe what I'm feeling. BORED!!!
Anyway.....Hope everyone had a Hoppy Easter! Emily found eggs, but then got over whelmed I guess or maybe we just hid too many. I posted some pictures on her site.
Hope everyone has a great week!! :)

Hey sounds like you had a great time...and it was wonderful reading your post...and hey also drop by my blog on Birthday Wishes sometime and check out all the amazing stuff i've posted there!!!
So sorry your b-day was a bummer. But ice cream cake would definately fix it for me :) What's Emily's blog again?? Congrats on the new computer, I bet you are loving it!!
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