Monday, April 23, 2007


The weekend

We were invited to our first birthday party this weekend. When this is the result know it was good! All went well - except for the one kid that kept kicking Emily while they were in the bouncer.......and his mother didn't see a problem since Emily wasn't crying. Aaron ALMOST took her (the mother) out and I was right behind him. I didn't like the mother before and really don't now. But really it was a great time. I love children's parties that include adult beverages!!!

The people across the street from us had a garage sale on Sat. They have a little boy about 4 or 5 and while he and mom went on a trip the dad cleaned house! I didn't know he was having a sale until I opened the blinds and saw two guys loading up wagons. I woke up Aaron and we headed over. The guy said we could just take whatever. I felt bad after cleaning him out of all the good toys that I gave him $20. We got a tub of legos - the ones for babies - Mr. Pot. Head and Elmo pot. head - some cars - a kiddie lawn mower - books - weebles - little people----All in great shape with all the pieces!!! So then we were in the mood for garage sales. A neighborhood was having one and we found a little grocery buggy thing for Emily. There was also outdoor play stuff but we haven't really decided if we have room for that stuff. Anyway...........great finds!

Can't wait to hear how Angie's camping trip went! :)

I absolutely hate when parents of obnoxious children are oblivious and think that they are just angels!! Ugh, I would have wanted to slap that woman! ...or kick her like her brat was kicking Emily!!

Man, sounds like you made a haul on the sales. I miss finding great deals like that. I just hate getting up earliy enought to catch the good stuff before it's gone :)
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