Thursday, May 17, 2007


Lime green.....

Lime green oozing from Emily's nose...pretty picture huh? One friend said "lime green is such a great spring color!" Well after taking her a couple of weeks ago and being told it was a virus, I wasn't really sure about taking her in again. Last time she was inconsolable and high fever - this time little fever and stopped up. Good thing we did go - sinus and both ears infected. Poor thing! She has been pretty yucky all week -- but in the waiting room and doctor's office it was like she was on crack!! She was climbing all over the place, trying to take other kids toys, trying to rip books apart, wanting to run down the hall. OMG!! I thought I was going to pull my hair out. We got home and had lunch, put her down for a nap....and no luck. She's wide awake. I guess the good thing is she's not feeling bad!!!

and the sitter....worked out great!! She is the sweetest thing. Aaron and I met another couple for dinner - no highchairs! We had a wonderful, long, quiet dinner. The sitter asked if we wanted her to clean up, have Emily in bed by the time we got home, etc etc. I just said no - you just keep her happy and healthy and we'll be back to do all the work. I think Emily had a great time.

Enjoy your day! :)

Awh, poor baby :( I hope she's feeling better now.

Glad to hear that you've found a good sitter. That's so important. Maybe one day we will :)

Hope you guys had a great weekend!

Sorry to hear that Emily's been so sick. But that's the wonderful part of motherhood, you know all the green sticky stuff. So how are you guys doing otherwise? Still in Katy/Houston area? Jeff and I moved to Washington and I love it.
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