Monday, May 07, 2007


sick kiddo

I guess about a week ago Emily had a fever. All within an hour it hit and was gone. Then on Tues she got it again. I thought nothing of it - just teething. No snot, cough, or poops - had to be teething. Thurs afternoon and night she was miserable. Screaming like she was throwing a fit but it was from pain. She was either asleep or screaming. She wanted to be held but then couldn't handle that either. It was scary. So Friday morning we went to the Dr. Her fever was 102. The blood and urine work showed nothing. CRAZY!!! She is much better - still pretty tired though.
Needless to say the camping trip was called off. That's the second of the season so far.
My parents are coming tonight and staying most of the week. I hope Emily is up to that! I'm also hoping that Aaron and I get some time for a date night -- we need it desperately!! Communication and understanding are at an all time low around times I tell.
anyway....Here's to a week of healing and happiness! :)

Awh, I hate to hear that, that sweet baby is not feeling well. Did the doctor have any guesses? How's she today?

I hope you have a nice visit with your parents and get a date night. I know we are hard up for one here too! It's been YEARS :)

Hope you have a great week and Mother's Day!
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