Friday, August 17, 2007


Anyone out there?

It's been a long time since I've posted here - anyone even reading this?
Summer is just busy around here. Its hard to write - especially when friends are experiencing sadness in their lives. I know there is always sadness and you have to just rely on faith, friends and yourself to get through it - but still it sucks. Then I feel stupid writing a funny blog - but then I think maybe that's what they need today. Anyway...Angie, you and your family are still in my prayers.
And now to lighten the mood:

:) Hey sweetie..I'm still here and that you for your prayers!!

As for the pictures you posted...OH NO! I assume that's the carpet cleaner Aaron has in his hand?? Did it come out...I hope? Oh man...

Wonderful to hear from you again. Sorry I've never been to your My Space page. I just haven't gotten out of my blog rut :) Hope you are all doing good..dispite the crayon mishap :)
Sorry, meant to say "thank you"...not "that you"
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