Thursday, November 08, 2007


Funny MDO story

So Emily has had a hard week. Starting Halloween she's had ear infections, the time change, not sleeping well, and now nasty diaper rash. Poor kid. We've had a couple of playdates this week and she's been really aggressive - I understand why but still not acceptable. Today after MDO I asked the teachers how she was doing - if she's been pushing or hitting. Their response..............."She's ALOT better than she was" Followed by "Well it was just with one girl and the other girl pushes so Emily just pushes back...well we don't always know who starts it..." I had to bite my lip from laughing. You know they always tell me such nice things about Emily - but I know Emily and she's not always perfect. It was really funny.....just hard to write it funny .....anyway......I hope everyone's doing well and feeling good these days.
We have an appt with an ENT next week for Emily. I'm not convinced or against tubes - just need to understand more. It would be nice to sleep through the night again!

Poor little toot is just trying to stand her ground. You go E! :) Hope the dr visit goes well.

We need to see Halloween pics!!
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