Thursday, January 24, 2008



January is so depressing around here......but not anymore!!! We booked a cruise in April :) I'm so excited. This will be our first - but I'm so looking forward to just not doing anything and being warm.
I've also finished E's babybook!!! I haven't had it printed yet - but it's finished...unless anyone sees a typo PLEASE let me know so I can correct it. If you want to see a copy just email me. I did it through Picaboo - like online scrapbooking kinda - free software just have to pay to have the book printed. If you're interested in using picaboo let me know - I've learned some tips!!! So now I think I may start on 2007 - more of a family album than baby book theme. It would be great to get caught up and just have to update a current book each month and then print at the end of the year.
TODAY I am going to the gym. I am going to do a 2 week pass and see if I like this place and then hopefully get back into the routine of going to the gym. Everyone in our little group goes to this place - but I think the childcare SUCKS!!! Too many kids - too many crying kids - and they always just come get you. I don't see the point in paying for a membership if I can't use it. Anyway I'm going alone today to see more of the gym and then hopefully take E tomorrow and see how she does. If it doesn't go well I will look at some other gyms. Anyway wish me luck and little soreness!!!

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