Monday, February 25, 2008



It's that time again......time for my monthly post. I see it as a good sign. When we moved here I had nothing better to do but ramble every morning...sometimes a few times a day but now we have a routine and I just forget to post about it all. So the latest thing.......Bye Bye Pacifier!!!! I have no idea why I decided this would be the weekend. I'm not bothered by her having it, but I just got the feeling she was ready. She doesn't ask for it at MDO and only at the house when she would see it. So I took it from her. Friday nap was a little crazy. She cried and cried and cried (momma drank and drank that night) BUT she never said Paci - so maybe she was over tired, or just didn't want to nap, or hungry - she ate alot for dinner. Anyway Friday bedtime she actually said Paci and I just ignored her and gave her a blanket and BeBe (stuffed kitty)and that was it. Really it was uneventful - as everyone says it is. I guess it really was a bigger deal to me. Now on to potty training!
I started seriously working out again. Every morning just send a little extra energy my way!

Way to go on breaking her of the paci! I started a month or so ago of just giving it to him and nap and night time. We started potty training 2 weeks ago and so far so good.

And Jim and I are offically BACK on WW and are really gonna do it this time. And I finally loosened the purse straps and got me a personal trainer. I start tomorrow and I and truely pumped! Good luck to you...I know we can all do it :)
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