Sunday, May 04, 2008


May 4th 08

Well we survived Em getting ear tubes and adenoids taken out. Talk about stress - and it all went great! She was back to normal within 1.5 hrs. She's had some pain but doing good. Once she heals up we hope to enjoy more sleep around here.
That's been about it since the cruise. Just trying to decided what was best for Em and getting it all done.
School is just about out, so I will need to make sure I save a couple of those days for a good spring cleaning. Em has so much, most days I just want to pack about 3/4 of it away for a garage sale, but then as I do I get sentimental about her playing with stuff or who gave it to her etc etc.....seriously though something has to give!
I guess that's it. I do alot better at keeping Em's pic blog up to date......not sure how much longer I will keep this one. I email most of you consistently -- and if I don't send me an email!!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I was JUST thinking of Em! I was thinking she was having it doen this coming Friday. I didn't realize she'd just had it done. I'm so glad everything went well. I sure hope this gives her (and her parents) some relief :)

I hear ya about the toys. I'm in the same situation. Every now and then I pull out the junk toys from Micky D's and such. but the others are harder :)
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