Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Not a whole lot happening around here. i've had a sinus infection - first round of antibiotics did not help, actually made it worse, so now I'm on the second - seeing improvement. Emily had the sniffles last week - wasn't getting better so I took her to the doc yesterday. He gave her some meds. She doesn't seem to feel too bad most of the time - just irritated by my wiping her nose - poor thing! So anyway this morning we made a decision not to go camping this weekend. I'm pretty bummed about it - but as Aaron said its not like its our last chance to go camping. Besides cooler weather is always better. So I guess we will be staying home and watching the Longhorns play!!! - which is almost as good as camping!
Emily is crawling laps around the house. She loves Allie and the kitties! She pulled up to her feet over the weekend, fell and hasn't tried it again - that I've seen. She is so fun to watch. Hayden was over last night - crazy how much happens in just 7 months!
Enjoyed seeing everyone's back to school pics - the kids grow so much over the summer!
Hope everyone enjoys the three day weekend!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


and she's off!

We have forward movement! Emily just took off for Allie's toy yesterday afternoon. Allie went over and kissed her and then played a very gentle game of tug and then more kisses. Emily is a lot less frustrated now that she can move around. Yeah Emily!!!

Monday, August 21, 2006


Back to Monday chores

Back to normal....Mom went home Sat evening. We had a great week! Let's be honest a week with your mom in your house can be a long time - but this visit was great! We did tons of shopping - Emily hung in there, poor thing and Mom kept her a couple of times so Aaron and I could get out. We finally got to see Cars - loved it! That would be our first movie out in almost a year. We got to ride our bikes one evening and of course the Texans game - which they won. We are not NFL fans, only follow college ball and usually just the Longhorns - but now that we are here we may just have to become Texan fans - or Titan fans for Vince. Who knows - but I feel football in my blood this year! We played lots of darts, centipede, pacman and Aaron installed golden tee on Sunday so Mom could get her golf fix!
Emily is still working on crawling. She moves, mainly rolls, or stretches but doesn't have the gracefull art of crawling - just yet. The teeth are still moving and causing some fussiness but hopefully it won't be much longer - of course I will miss that toothless grin when they do pop out :(
Here's one for you all to laugh at - I ran into the door this past week. Just smacked my face with the edge - yes it hurt and there were harsh words. But.....then I ran into the cabinet door that was open! Same side of my face. There has been discussion about removing all doors from the house.... My left sinuses (spelling?) are killing me! and NO this is not the first time I've done this...I run into doors alot. I don't even see them, not sure if I really don't see them or just looking the other way or just have my mind on other things and not paying attention. Damn doors! ....then Aaron laughs at me when I'm being cautious, like trying to step on an escalator with heels on.
Enjoy the day!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Shop Shop Shop

Mom's in town this week - don't think I've ever done this much shopping in my life! :)
Hope everyone is having a great week - or atleast hanging in there.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Pitbull snakes this past weekend! Just terrorized by a pitbull. Story goes like this: Got up early Sunday and decided to take Allie for a walk. Went up the street - heard a lady screaming - decided I'd be nosy. She sees me, and I finally find her in the back of a truck crying. She said there was a dog that attacked hers - about that time I see the pitbull. I told her I was going to go back and drop Allie off and call for help. So I try Animal Control - no luck its Sunday. After trying many numbers I end up with the Sheriff. I go back to tell the lady - the dog sees me and starts after me - a neighbor happens to see this and lets me run in his house. After the dog wonders off I head back home - thinking I would get in the Jeep - that way I could keep an eye on the dog and reassure the lady. Aaron says he would go get the lady and take her home in the Jeep. I step outside and hear all sorts of screaming and growling. Aaron drove up just in time to see the dog attack a beagle being walked by an elderly couple. He never saw the lady I was talking about - we later found out someone had rescued her (poor lady was 8 months pregnant!) The old lady takes her beagle home while her husband and Aaron take the pitbull down and get it on a leash - not sure where the leash came from -anyway....Aaron drives up and the old guy is walking this dog up the street. About this time the Sheriff shows up - two of them to be exact. So you think FINALLY some help! NOPE! they can't do anything because the dog hasn't bitten anyone. You see its not illegal for a dog to bite another dog - I couldn't get the guy to understand that the dogs were on leashes out for their morning walks when they were attack by this pitbull. Their advice - shoot the dog or take it and drop it off somewhere. So I'm not shooting it - just not my job. And the thought of taking this dog somewhere and dropping it off so it can be someone else's problem and attack and probably kill other animals if not children just didn't sound too responsible to me -- so Thanks anyway Mr. Sheriff. I went inside and started looking for an animal shelter or rescue or anything open on Sunday --- I'm not getting stuck with this dog! So I call some local number - but they say I need the county office - but that I could call SPCA and if that didn't work -- call the news and they could attract enough attention to get something done. Finally I get someone at the county office to page the animal control - that only took two calls - and this guy comes a couple of hours later. He makes us fill out all sorts of paperwork - gets the old guy to fill out paperwork too - and about an hour later takes the dog.
Now with all the stories of pitbulls attacking people can you believe it took this much effort to get one that was demonstrating aggressive behavior towards small animals and women to be picked up?Crazy!!!

Anyway.....hopefully I will get my nerve back to take Allie for a walk in the morning.
We got invited to a football game this weekend - corporate box seats or whatever you call them - my mom is going to come in a day early so we can go!! I'm so excited - its been awhile since we've had an adult evening out. And then Mom will be here for the week - so lots of shopping time! and who knows maybe Aaron and I will even get to catch a movie one night :)

Angie I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better! I've missed the blogs from you two!

Hope everyone has a great uneventful week!

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