Thursday, December 21, 2006


Merry Christmas

This is one of the pictures Alex took. He did a great job. Getting these two going in the same direction wasn't easy! Hayden is about 4.5 months and Emily 11.5 months. Emily is not posing - Alex just caught the picture right before she smacked Hayden on the head!....looks can be deceiving (spelling?)
Still crazy busy --- but more in the mood. I still want to get a few more Christmas gifts - just little stuff, mainly booze--isn't that everyone's favorite gift?!!
So here's the run down for the next few days. Tomorrow night is Christmas with Tom, Kristi, and Hayden. Sat is driving to my folks with a probable stop to see my grandmother - if not we will make a trip Sunday. Christmas Monday!!! Tuesday come home with my parents. Wed I'm having a kidney stone blasted -- FUN! Thurs is Emily's first birthday :) Friday we go to San Antonio for Aaron's grandmother's memorial and come back Sat. Now depending how I'm feeling the SA trip may not include me and possibly Emily. So today and tomorrow I need to pack and then clean so the house is all ready for company. But I've got all the birthday stuff gathered up -- all the presents and decorations, got a plan for the cake etc etc
Like I said busy - but feel like I have a handle on things.
Since I probably won't be signing in for a few days I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Be safe out on the roads or up on the roof :)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

So much to do...but little motivation!
A very good friend of ours came to visit Sunday and take some family pictures - Thank you Alex! I've been deciding what picture and how to crop it for the Christmas card. Hopefully I can mark that off my list tonight. We also got a fresh wreath in the mail today - very neat! It was sent by Erin our realtor when we moved here. Talk about an amazying lady! We have a fake tree, always have due to mess and allergies, but I may have to atleast get a real wreath from now on - I love it!
So I have the holiday spirit - just tired I guess. Emily hasn't been sleeping too well lately. Another growth spurt and teeth moving around I suspect. She did sleep until 6am this morning - which was very nice! I can handle getting up a little early - its the multiple times all through the night I'm not too good with. I gave her milk for the first time this morning - so far so good! I thought I would gradually introduce milk and while tappering off the formula. :) Emily is also getting close to walking un-assisted -- very exciting!
In other family news... Aaron's grandmother passed away last night. Yes his other grandmother passed away in July. Alot of family stress and politics -- possibly why we feel so drained. anyway....keep him in your thoughts please.
Remember to have fun while fighting the holiday crowds! lol :)

Monday, December 04, 2006

I keep thinking its Dec 15th or so - but its just the 4th!!! I know Christmas and then Emily's birthday will be here before I know it though. I'm about done with the Christmas shopping and the few I have left to buy I atleast know what I'm going to get. Emily loves to jump and is about to outgrow the jumperoo so she's getting an inflatable trampoline It's basically an inflatable pool with a thick enough bottom to bounce around in. I think that will be for her birthday, along with a charm - thought that would make a neat tradition. I like the pearl idea too - trying to get Aaron to do that. Christmas will be fun but I guess I'm focused on her birthday.
All the gifts we have purchased are wrapped and under the tree! Tonight I made my cookies for the cookie exchange the mommy group is doing on Wed.
I feel ahead of the game this Christmas - yet have that little nagging feeling I'm forgetting something really big. I guess only time will tell.
How's everyone's list coming?
Remember to slow down and have fun along the way :)
Every evening after Emily is asleep we've been enjoying eggnog (that should help with the weight loss!). Before the cold front came last week we walked around the neighborhood looking at lights. Kinda crazy but pretty neat to live somewhere that's warm enough to do that. But I'll admit the cold weather has helped with the Christmas mood.

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