Sunday, April 30, 2006


4 Months old

I got some time to myself and life is good! I dropped Emily off Friday afternoon. She was being so cute and adorable with Kristi and her mom. Then her mom left, Kristi got a business call, and Emily decided to wake up and fuss. I never worried about Emily's safety --just Tom and Kristi's sanity. They survived. As they said it was good for them as Kristi is due in August and they haven't had much more experience than Aaron and I had (which was zero). Anyway...I got a pedicure, and the lady next to me was holding a baby (2 months old and honestly bigger than Emily!) She was the grandmother and said "I could have left her at home, but I spend every moment I can with her, they grow so fast" yeah yeah lady, and since I've spent every moment with Emily since she was born (ok except for the one night of stomach virus and Trish came to the rescue - she's my superhero ya know!) I felt no guilt in getting a pedicure and having an evening to myself. Anyway, then I went to the beauty supply store and got some nail stuff and new hairbrush - took my time looking around - wonderful! Then Aaron and I had to run by the gym, our trainer is leaving :( , then to garden ridge, Fazoli's for dinner (everywhere else had a 30 - 40 min wait and I wasn't spending my free time waiting) Then we went into Randall's for a couple of groceries and then the liquer store. Came home and played darts and talked and listened to music and just hung out - so great! Sat we got up and grabbed breakfast at Bagel Express - a place I had my eye on, but we just hadn't made it there it. YUMMY After we got Emily, Aaron watched her, until it was time to go back to Tom and Kristi's, the boys went to a concert and the girls went out to eat, gardenridge and dessert! Its been a great weekend. I feel sane again.
Emily was 4 months old on Friday and Tuesday we go for shots :( If she is feeling well we have dinner plans with some old friends that night. On wed I take Allie back to get tested - keep your fingers crossed!
Enjoy the day! :)

Friday, April 28, 2006



Emily is spending the night with her aunt and uncle!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Mental Picture

Here's a mental picture for ya...For my workout Tuesday, Jonathan asked if I wanted to do legs and abs or what - I said sure or we could play one on one. He was excited for the change and so was I. We had t he court to ourselves. So there we were myslef short, pale white, female, out of shape playing ball with Jonathan, tall over 6'5", black male, extremely built. It was alot of fun. and....if we just count shots, not whether is was a three pointer or not, he only beat me 11-8. I was kinda proud of myself. I warmed up on the bike and then did some abs before we played and I am sore! I tried a new ab machine so I don't know if its that or the basketball, but O how it hurts to cough or sneeze or stretch or hell even breathe!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006



Avacado Adobe

This past weekend we had dinner with some friends, Sat we just kinda hung out and did some things around the house. Sunday we met up with Tom and Kristi and I finally got to try the Avacado Adobe! This thing is awesome.....chunks of avacado and fajita meat wrapped in cheese and deep fried! Could there be anything better?
Then we headed to their place, the boys went for a bicycle ride and the girls played in the pool. Emily seemed to enjoy the water :) Later we cooked out and then headed upstairs for xbox karoke ? I'll admit it was fun (after a certain amount of alcohol) but ....I can't sing and when I say that I mean I can not sing. I got kicked off staged by xbox!
anyway...Friday night we have a babysitter. I'm not sure what I want to do if anything, just looking forward to the freedom.
I'm off to the gym now. I'm sick of all the weight comments and suggestions so I will finally get serious. I've accepted that it will take about a year to get where I want to be but hopefully I will see some serious improvement soon. So no more avacado adobe :(

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


playing on the floor with Allie

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Snake count

For those of you keeping count - 2 count 1, 2 Snakes. Ok the first one was dead when I saw it, thanks to the mighty Linus, but the one today was still wiggling - and might I add very close to me since I was in the flower bed trimming the bushes - AAAHHHH!


Easter Eggs




all jumped out

It was time to get out of the house for a bit so we drove to Galveston and had lunch yesterday. We took the long way getting there - down to Freeport and then drove up the coast to Galveston. Amazed at all the new development. We had lunch at Fisherman's Wharf outside looking at the ship channel. We started with some bacon wrapped shrimp - probably the best I've ever had. As I was taking the last bite of a shrimp my fingers slipped and it went flying! I started to laugh and then couldn't stop - but I guess no one but Aaron saw. So between not being able to dress myself and throwing food, I'm not sure if Aaron will take me out again! Then we walked around a bit, got a coffee, and headed home. We wanted to hang out more but needed to check on Allie. We left her in the house because we still haven't fixed the gate yet - maybe today. (oh and Allie had been a perfect angel - even cleaned the cat litter box for us - yuck!)
Today we colored eggs - which we have always done - but glad we can blame it on Emily now!
We rented the Easter Bunny's coming to town - one very strange show with a song about putting honey on your corn pone? Don't get me laughing again.
I just downloaded some pictures - had been feeling pretty good about myself - but the workout/diet is about to get serious! to play outside while Emily's taking a cat nap.
Enjoy the day!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


..sick puppy...

For those of you who do not know this is Allie. We adopted her almost three years ago and you could not ask for a better friend. She has even been amazing with Emily and accepting that her #1 spot in our daily routine has been taken. She is not aggressive, yet very protective of her family.
This morning I noticed her licking and chewing at her foot. She wouldn't let me get a good look but I could tell it was swollen, bright red, and maybe even a little blood. So off to the vet we went - I thought it was just a bite or something, but was afraid she would make it bigger and it would get infected. While we are there I decide to get some heartworm pills - but they won't sell them to me unless they have a test on file - and since we just moved I had no choice. I felt bad putting her through the whole needle blood thing - but she did great. The results came back negative - I wasn't worried - I always give her the pills. BUT the test revealed another parasite problem- Ehrlichiosis. She wasn't showing any signs - but her blood count is all messed up. This comes from ticks - which she hasn't had since we adopted her (and she was covered then - poor thing) So she's either had this for a long time or a tick snuck by us - and I don't know how since she was getting a weekly bath in Duncan and also got the flea and tick stuff. Anyway she is on antibiotics for three weeks - then we do a retest. I need to do some research but I think the vet was trying to say she could be a carrier but not really have the disease - lets hope so. (but I guess that wouldn't explain the messed up blood count - just the no symptoms)
And the foot - they shaved it, running some tests to make sure it wasn't a fungus and sent us home with some spray.
Anyway....she's got to be better...that's all there is to it.

and Trish you know that can't be the end of the Allie is acting a little anxious to leave (who could blame her?) I get Emily's carrier loaded in a basket and get the basket and Allie out the door and......Allie can hold it no longer. Right there in front of PetSmart about three feet from the door - It wasn't pretty and you could tell Allie was embarrassed. Then I hear this weird noise - look around and some homeless bum guy is laughing. I go inside to tell them there was a mess outside - they said not to worry about it - went back outside and the guy is laughing again. Funny maybe ( and now that I'm home I can see the humor).....but my heart was breaking over the news of a sick puppy and my thought was my dog may have shit on the sidewalk but you why are you laughing - its your living room!

anyway....please keep Allie in your thoughts - I'll post more info when I have it.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Happy Birthday to ME!

I just love birthdays - and why not - its your own personal holiday! plus you get to eat cake :)



All bets in?

The desk was delivered yesterday at 6:30pm!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006



Ok I'm trying to be more tolerant of others (which would make me more tolerable) - but this is ridiculous. I ordered a desk and two bookshelves at the beginning of March. The bookshelves shipped Fedex and got here in no time and in great shape. Now the desk.....shipped Seko (anyone heard of that company? I never have and really never want to again) on March 12th arrived Houston on March 20th. On the 21st I happen to track my desk online and saw that it was in Houston and waiting for me to call and make a delivery appt. The guy tells me the 23rd between 1and 5. Well the 23rd has long passed by. I was just frustrated up to that point - but now I've stayed home and nothing delivered. So I make a few phone calls, one lady hangs up on me and the others say they do not work in that dept and everyone else has gone home. Does anyone return my call the next day? NO. So I call the company I ordered it from - they'll look into it. Two days later a nice lady from Seko calls - she is more worried about someone hanging up on me that where the hell my desk is. She tells me someone will call me the next day to confirm a delivery time - go ahead guess - right - no call. So I call her back and she tells me it will be delivered today - April 5th between 10-2 and you got it - no desk. So I call her, she gives me the number to a different company that has the desk now - so I call - they promise it is on the truck and out for delivery, but knew nothing of the 10-2 time. I would cancel the whole thing - but I really like the shelves and wanted a matching desk, plus this looks better than the cheap stuff but was way cheaper than the furniture store stuff. Anyway.....any bets on whether I get my desk today?
I could understand if the thing was on back order and just now shipped - but to take a month to get here (can't remember where the company is ) from anywhere in the US? Its been in Houston since the 20th...they act like Katy is another country or something.
Anyway....moral of the story - have nothing shipped through Seko!

Why does this type of thing only happen to me? Like when we eat out Aaron always gets what he orders and mine is always screwed up. Like I order steak tacos and get chicken? I say no onions and get extra onions? anway....

I was so excited about my flowers this weekend I forgot to mention the snake! Those of you that know me well know that snakes are really the one thing I can not stand (besides stupid people and poor service, but we've already discussed that) Saturday we did most of the work and had the garage door up most of the day. That night Linus (fat boy kitty) wanted to stay in the garage. Sunday I was out and here comes Aaron carrying a dead snake out of the garage. So Linus 1 - Snake 0. You would think with 3 cats and a dog we wouldn't have snakes - but we seem to attract them. Remember the house on Western Street? Like 12 snakes .....IN the house. (the foundation had shifted and they would come in under the doors) The neighbors claimed to never see snakes. Then we moved to 10th Street - neighbor has been there since 1985 and never seen a snake - I found three! They just give me the creeps!

Anyway....thanks for listening...My goal today is to get the office ready for the desk. Each day I've been focusing on one room - making progress!
Enjoy the day!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sometimes I even surprise myself...I remembered to put the after post first and then the before so you wouldn't see the results first - smart huh? Anyway the flowers are pretty small now but it should look pretty good and be alot more colorful once they grow a bit.
We put some flowers outside Emily's window too. Maybe I'll remember to get a pic sometime.
The girl that brought Allie back the night she escaped, Summer, took her for a 40 min walk on Sat. Allie sat in the front yard all day today waiting to see if she would come back - maybe after school tomorrow.
Not much else to tell - just a weekend of hard productive work. Feels good to be out and about planting flowers, sweating, and even getting sunburned :)
enjoy the day!





Saturday, April 01, 2006

Its gonna be allllll right....we are planting flowers today! Aaron is going to help me widen the flowerbeds so I have a place to plant some flowers. I all ready bought four flats and a few other pots. Flowers just make me happy! I will post before and after pics when we get done.
Hope you all enjoy your Saturuday!

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