Wednesday, June 28, 2006


6 months old

25.5 inches
14 lbs. 11 0z.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Here kitty kitty! (Linus kitty)
Come on...bring on the squash!

Big Bird FUNNY!

This weekend is my sister in law's baby shower. Now while the girls are doing whatever you do at a baby shower the boys are going go-cart racing. Now those of you who know me, even just a little bit, know which place I would rather be----GO-CARTS!!! My mom can not understand this - says I guess you're just never going to grow up and act like a lady. Really now....sit around and say ooo how cute with a bunch of ladies I don't know or go racing? Am I just way off on this? Come on--its not about growing up, its about what is truly more fun and what you would rather be doing --- ladies? who's with me on this? I'm not saying I don't want to go to the shower and celebrate the baby - but if I was given the option... of course Sat. afternoon I will be sitting around saying look how cute, giggle, giggle, look how cute la la la while in my head zoom zoom :)


What tha?

Emily's been cranky the last few days. I guess its the teeth moving around - just want my happy baby back. Anyway...was in her room changing her - and I hear a strange noise. Listen...again strange noise. OK I know I'm crazy - but I swear its a goat! When Aaron got home I had him go stand in her room - he looks at me like I'm crazy, which we've all ready established - but then he hears it. I haven't found the goat yet - but I can hear it. The house next door just sold and I think the new owners are in the process of moving in - possibly the goat is in their garage? I'm sure its cute and precious - but really a GOAT?
anyway...had other ramblings to post but the goat made me lose my train of thought.
enjoy your day!


June 19th

We adopted Allie three years ago! I can't explain what an awesome dog she's been. My mom will tell you she has separation anxiety - and Aaron would probably agree - but she really doesn't. Day to day she is fine. Its the big things like moving that freaks her out. Drive all day - get to an empty house - next day the house is full of boxes and then everyone leaves - so she destroys one wooden blind. Went camping once - it was hot - decided to leave her in the AC of the camper while we went for lunch - came back and she was chewing her way out. She just doesn't want to be left in some strange place. When we adopted her she was very skinny, covered in ticks, and her teeth are worn down because she chewed her way out, and it was apparent that she had just had puppies. Her first year must have been pretty hard. She is loved and pampered now and just wants to stay with us. She is protective of Emily - in such a descrete way. She just places herself between us and strangers, seems relaxed and looking for attention, but she's working - ready at a moments notice. She is an awesome pup! Thought I would share some of our pics from the last couple of years. Happy Birthday Allie :)
Allie health update -- She is getting better. The blood count is still not great but IS better! Two more weeks of meds and then another test.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


more of the Lake Mead sunset

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Las Vegas - a side most of you have not seen

Northshore Summit - short hike believe it or not - but great views!
Railroad tunnels they made to get supplies to the dam when it was being built.

Rain coming across Lake Mead - you could feel it hit your skin - but would evaporate before you were wet!
Kayaking below Hoover Dam.
Arizona Hot Springs hike.
Sunset on Lake Mead

Emily and my grandmother - so glad we got to see her this time through Midland.

Emily and I "riding" Dinny in Iraan.

Aaron and Emily in their matching Kermit shirts!


and I'm back..

It feels like ages since I've blogged. I think I'll just hit some highlights and then add some pics.
Got my Jeep back Monday - we weren't able to get it before we left for vacation. It is nice to have wheels again. How did women in the 50's survive? No job opportunities and stuck at home with no car - no wonder everything was clean and homemade!
Vacation was nice - I'm done with Vegas and I think so is Aaron. Its just not for us. We had some great times though. Hightlights (the rest isn't really worth mentioning) Lake Mead dinner cruise - a tourist thing but wonderful food, wine, and sunset! (wait did I say tourist thing...what isn't in Vegas?) The hike kayak trip was challenging but rewarding. Our first massage - awesome! how have I lived so long without one? We just got a relaxing one hour head to toe - no deep tissue or anything. and dinner at the Stratosphere - oh my the food and view!
My parents loved having Emily for the week. She now eats a bowl of cereal twice a day - I think my mom would have her on steak if she had teeth! and oh my all the hair bows!! The car trips were not too bad - Emily slept some and one of us usaully sat in the back with her so she didn't get too upset. Long days in the car though. Hopefully the next trip will be in the Jeep - which she seems to enjoy more - who knows why? anyway....
Allie is almost out of meds - so she will be going back for her test soon. Monday is her birthday - we've had her 3 years and she's 4 years old. She wants a dog for her birthday (Tom and Kristi have two and she seems bored to be back home now) - but I don't think we are going to give in. Three cats and Allie besides Emily and Aaron is enough for me!
So that's about it around here. Having to replace some flowers after the trip. I had the girl down the street check on the cats but didn't say anything about watering and wouldn't ya know it - no rain all week. So maybe tonight...
Also have to pick up the camper out of storage. I went to drop the check off yesterday and noticed they have moved it to the back and are kinda packing stuff around it- thought maybe I should let them know that I planned on taking it out occassionally. Anyway going to bring it home - make sure its clean and ready to go and hopefully we will go somewhere, anywhere, soon!
OK that's it - now I'm going to try and upload some pictures for your viewing pleasure...

Thursday, June 01, 2006


aahhh....Memorial Day

Gotta love those family holidays. Our's went something like this. Thurs night getting packed to go see Aaron's aunt and uncle in OK. Going to drive up Sat, hang out Sun, drive home Mon - lots of road time, but excited that they will finally get to see Emily - plus aunt shirley can cook!! Ring Ring - Aaron's parents call - his mom is having emergency surgery friday on a 99% blocked artery in her neck-- WHAT? So change of plans - driving to Corpus Friday morning, after we drop off Allie. Got on the road about 9am - pretty good considering all we had to do to leave a day earlier than we were planning. La, la, la la....oh hey check engine light came on. On my Jeep that has been so good to me? yeah we'll check it when we get there. Hey look there's a Whataburger - we can get lunch and feed Emily. Back in Jeep - start Jeep - feel that nice AC - plenty of time to see his mom before she goes under - put'er in gear and nothing!! Start, gear, dies, start gear dies, start gear reverse in parking place. We are in beautiful El Campo Texas and no transmission. I feel betrayed by the Jeep, only 55,000 miles. Heads up - stayed focused on the mission to see his mom before surgery (very risky surgery) we'll just get a rental car. Good idea but no rental cars in El Campo (they have an enterprise office, just no cars) or any of the surrounding towns. Ok we'll just call Aaron's brother to take us back home and get the other car - fat chance of that happening. Some very nice lady at the dealership gives us the keys to her brand new Jeep - had only 8,000 miles and she has towels covering the seats - you can tell its her baby. Good to know there are still some awesome people out there! We get to the hospital just after his mom has gone in - but we wait with his dad - and she comes through great. Aaron and I see her that night and get to the hotel around 11pm. The next day we sleep in a little, stop at Macoroni Grill on the way to the hospital - she is still in ICU and no babies allowed. The nurse pulls her bed into the hall so she can atleast see Emily. Then we head home. Next morning we drive back to El Campo to drop off the wonderful lady's Jeep and then back to the house. Aaron's mom is resting at home now and we are waiting for the Jeep to be fixed - earliest will be friday. Saturday we leave for Vacation - I guess we will be taking Aaron's car ....did I mention the check engine light came on? So he is looking into that this morning...maybe hopefuly possibly an easy fix?! Emily doesn't like riding in the Lincoln - cries alot - really hope the Jeep is fixed in time. Midland is a long drive and even longer with an unhappy baby.
Anyway......need a vacation! So I've been printing off reservations and what not for the trip and...the hard drive crashes! Aaron installed a new one - such a hassle!
Please send positive engery our way - I need a hassle free vacation!!!
and on a positive note....we are not getting flooded like most of the area is!!!

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