Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Still stuffed!

My dad, uncle roger, and my mom

Emily hanging out after a good nap :)

Uncle Roger and Hayden

Kristi's mom Linda, and Aaron's Aunt Shirley

Kristi's dad Allan, Tom, and Aaron

Aaron's uncle Roger and my dad.

Thanksgiving was by far the best we've had in years (excluding friday's game)!! The more the merrier - that goes for both people and drinks! :)
Friday morning Aaron and I got up EARLY and hit Walmart and Target - got everything on the list. It was crazy but not as bad as I thought it would be. Walmart was ready - had things spread out but Target had everything behind the electronics counter - that was a little crazy!! Anyway most of the Chirstmas shopping is done. I need to get a gift or two and then think about Emily's birthday.
My parents left Sunday morning and Aaron went crazy decorating. The outside lights are up, the tree is up with lights - just needs to be finished. Most gifts are wrapped! We put up a baby gate in across the office and have the tree in here. I found these very cool green and red lights - both colors in one little bulb!! Excited to have a change from the white.
Aaron is going to Alaska for business next week. Not sure what I will do - maybe make some ornaments for Emily. I can't remember if I did that last year - I'm betting not. We had our own set of wooden ornaments growing up. I'd like to keep that tradition going.
Not much else going on. Had another gall bladder test yesterday -- waiting on the results.
Let's see if blogger will be nice and let me add some Tday photos. Nice blogger :)
Hope you everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


its almost here...

Turkey Day!!! I never really liked Thanksgiving as a kid. It was more Bill's holiday - that guy could put away the dressing!!! but as time goes by I'm getting the spirit. I'm excited about this year because its going to be so much family. My parents, Kristi's parents, Aaron and Tom's aunt and Uncle. We are all getting together Wed night for fajitas, Thurs for turkey, Friday for football and leftovers plus Aaron's making his turkey chili -- which sounds bad but is AWESOME! Plus we are venturing out early Friday morning for some shopping - might as well. We've always been in such small towns it wasn't that exciting - but now we are here and ready to experience the pushing and shoving all to save a few bucks!
This past weekend we did go camping but the plans to see Aaron's parents fell through -- like I said entirely too much politics. But we had a great day walking around and cooking out -- Aaron made a great campfire and I got to have marshmallows!
Happy Turkey to ya!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Say goodbye.....

to the folding table and chairs that is!! :)
I finally found a kitchen table and chairs that I liked and could afford. I'm very excited to eat at a normal size table. We felt like we were eating at the kids table. We have a dining room set, and ate there occasionally but with Emily and her tantrums of throwing food the kitchen has just been a better place. I didn't want to buy something just to have it - so I've been holding out. Then I found IT and it was on sale and even better my folks got it for us as a Christmas gift.

Not much else happening around here. Ben preparing for my parents visit next week -- which really just means cleaning. I cleaned Emily's room and the guest room from top to bottom today. I figure if I do a room or so a day, from top to bottom there won't be much left to do next week - just kitchen and bathrooms. We cleaned the windows last weekend - I can't believe it either, not sure we've ever done that.
This weekend we are going camping -- kinda. We are going to camp near Aaron's parents and they will come see us and we'll cook fajitas. Too much family politics to explain all of this but atleast we are meeting them halfway. will be nice to see how the repairs on the camper turned out -- we haven't been since its been out of the shop. Looking forward to a hot shower though!
Turkey day is at my brother in laws, with Aunt Shirley and Roger, my parents, and Kristi's parents. Nothing traditional about it at all --- but should be alot of fun! What's everyone doing for Tday?
:) Reagan

Monday, November 06, 2006


Halloween Pictures

I posted the pictures on Emily's blog You will have to scroll down to October 31 -- pretty funny! We had a great time :)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'm one of those people. I check a few blogs everyday - so dissappointed when no one writes, Then I realized I am one of those. So I'm going to try to be better and write atleast twice a week. What about you Jim? I miss hearing about you and the family.
I've really enjoyed looking at everyone's Halloween pictures. We dressed up as the Flintstones. The number of characters versus us was great. Aaron = Fred, Me = Wilma, Emily = Pebbles, Tom=Barney, Kristi = Betty, Hayden = BamBam. Tom and Kristi's neighborhood had a little gathering and then trick or treating. Except for the huge skeeters it was a great time. Some houses totally accepted us and others were kinda like what? Its a kids holiday and a 10 month old and 3 month old really won't be eating this candy = so your pimping your kids for candy. YEP!! We just wanted to dress up and have a great time with the kids. Hayden was great and then fell asleep as his grandfather carried him around. Emily laughed hysterically when she got to hold Hayden's club - otherwise she was in serious mode. She does this serious mode thing in new situations until she gets everything figured out and then she giggles. So now your asking for pictures right? I don't have any. Forgot the damn camera. Bad momma - I know I know. But Kristi and her dad took some and when I get them I will post.
Had a great weekend. Got my hair done on Sat. , took Allie to the dog park, went to get coffee and stopped at the garden center on the way home!! Then it was time for dinner and some football!! Hook'em Horns :) This morning we planted everything. I still need a few more plants - but it is looking better. I'm glad I waited for cooler weather. Hopefully all the plants will survive this time.
Hope everyone has a great week!


Me & My Pup

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