Friday, September 29, 2006



I’ve been tagged by Angie.

The rules are : List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. Tag 5 friends and list them. Then, those people need to write on their blogs (or email) about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. Don’t forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!

1. I can not stand for someone to breathe on me, especially my face - yes this includes my husband and baby.

2. I brush my teeth in the shower - sinks disgust me, like public ones with hair in them.

3. I love to kiss my babies feet. I love baby toes!! - have to agree with Angie on this one - so does that mean we are both weird? or neither wierd?

4. I have to sleep with a blanket even if its hot - turn down the AC so I can have covers! and I prefer to have a blanket while watching TV

5. After going to Walmart, I wash my hands, put things away, and wash my hands again! Place creeps me out with all the nastiness - however Emily is allowed to just ride in the cart - too lazy to always put the little cart cover on - baby mommy

I have more wierdness - but the rules said 5!

I have tagged: Aaron, Trish, Kristi, Carrie, Stephanie

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Monday, September 25, 2006


What a weekend!!!

Thursday afternoon I left for Austin. Emily slept until Bastrop, where I stopped to feed her and grab a sandwich. While sitting at the table, simply feeding Emily a nice man comes over and speaks to me. He tells me how sweet Emily is and she seems small for her age. I just smile - she's actaully average I think, but I'll confirm that after her 9 month check up on Thurs - anyway he asks how big she was at birth - 6 lbs 2 oz - oh you must have liked that and thought how easy it would be to do again - I'm thinking this is an interesting conversation with a stranger - he goes on to tell me about heffers (spelling?) and how they like to have 50 - 60 lbs calves or you have to help them, so the heffers don't like to be bread with really big what does your husband do?
WHAT??? what is it about me that attracts old men and strange conversations?
Back on the road - traffic picks up as we get closer to town - Austin, traffic, big surprise! It doesn't take long to ge to the hotel though. The folks are still a couple of hours away so I check in and get Emily ready for bed. They finally arrive and we order a pizza. Emily has trouble going to bed - so tired and too much excitement.
Friday we take our time getting up and dressed and then head to San Marcos for a little shopping. Had lunch at a place on the river - can't ever remember the name - then back for more shopping. Can't keep a grandmother out of Carter's! About three we head back, drop off the folks and head for the lake. Get out of town so fast....Friday afternoon leaving Austin - WOW! ....spoke too soon. The last few miles were hell and Emily decided she was hungry - but we made it to the house about 5. Fed Emily and got her ready for bed. She was excited to see daddy but didn't fight bed too bad. Meanwhile we had burgers, hotdogs, and lots of beverages.
Sat morning we got up had breakfast, ran to the grocery store, and prepared for sitters and a day on the lake. Tom and I went to get the boat he rented, swung by and picked up Aaron, Kristi and Tracy. Before long I decide to tube - something I may have done once in my life. I swear Tom was going 30+ and my liquid courage made me think -- hey drag your feet and you'll go slower................has that thought sunk in yet? yeah....drag my feet and I'll go slower, you know boat and all! Lesson learned....dragging feet does not slow you down! My knees are visibly bruised from hitting the water!! Enough tubing for me. I get back in the boat and try to concentrate on skiing. Everyone takes their turn on the tube and then Tom decides its time to ski. We have two skis that don't match because they are slalom skis. Tom did succeed at two skis but not one. I have not successfully slalom sinced August 1997. I tried about four years ago did manage two skis. For those of you that don't know - I grew up skiing. It was one of the things I truly enjoyed and something I want to continue. After the last attempt I was afraid I may not slalom ever again. So I was nervous - truly - but very excited to have the chance. Well my friends.......I DID IT!!! I got up on the first try even. I was sooo happy! The water was pretty choppy where we were but it was still fun. Skiing is like golf use muscles that you didn't know existed until you try to get out of bed the next day....OUCH!
I was very proud of my husband. He momentarily got up on two skis. I think he would have been more successful had we had matching skiis. I hope he tries again! I have such great memories of being on the lake, skiing, spending time with my family, I hope to provide the same for Emily.
A storm blew in, but it was about time to return the boat. When we got back to the lakehouse my parents were there. So we all got cleaned up and headed to Carlos and Charlie's to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday (which was actaully Sunday along with Tracy's!) We had a great time - lots of laughs to go along with our many beverages! The storm blew over just in time for the great Austin sunset. After dinner we went back the house for pie/cake/presents. The sitters had finally got Emily to sleep and somehow she stayed asleep through all the singing and chatting of 9 adults, 2 sitters, and 2 more kiddos.
Sunday we slept in a bit - as much as you can with a 9 month old alarm clock- had breakfast and went for a walk along the shore with Allie - while everyone slept. Then it was time to pack up and head home. Emily was great coming home. I think she woke up just outside of town.
Aaron went to San Antonio for a convention. I miss him....I think this is his first night away since we've had Emily. I've been to my parents.. but I think this is my first alone. Everything has gone great. I got all the unpacking, laundry, cleaning etc done. Today we ran errands and cleaned out her closet. I can't believe how many clothes she has and Shirley called today to tell me what all she's sending! WOW! that's all I can say!
What a blog! but what a really great weekend! I hope we get to do it again sometime.
This weekend is camping with Roger and Shirley - the first since my birthday in 2005! Very excited.
Well I hope everyone has a great week!
Enjoy :)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So much for play dates this week. Emily is still snotty. The doctor is treating it as a cold - but if she's not better by next week we will look into allergies. She seems to be in a good mood though - lots of crawling, pulling up, eating - just wants an extra nap, which I'm not complaining about.
Tomorrow I meet my parents in Austin and then Aaron will come in on Friday. Tom and Kristi rented a lakehouse for the weekend and my parents are going to come by to hang out and then we'll go out to eat for my mom's 60th birthday. We also have a babysitter for Hayden and Emily on Sat from like 3-midnight!!! I'm so excited. Between a sitter and my parents I should be free for the afternoon and then hopefully the sitter can watch her while we go eat.
I can't wait to hang out at the lake!!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

Friday, September 15, 2006

This week has been good. Monday Emily and I went to the library for the baby story time. A little cheesy for me but hey it was out of the house. I also met a wonderful lady and her son Honza. I have no, ok fewer, whines and complaints, her husband works offshore for 4-5 weeks at a time. Talk about never gettting a break. She can't even go workout because Honza cries so much they go get her. Anyway...Tuesday Kristi and Hayden came out and we had a wonderful afternoon. The kids were good, I found footed pjs in 12 month size (too big but the 9 month are too small there is a weird sizing gap there) mommies had beers and I got to hold Hayden for the first time since he was born. Wednesday we went to Petra and Honza's for the afternoon. Alot of fun to watch two 8 months old play! Emily also experienced rice cakes and tomato for the first time. When I got home we met Tom, Kristi, and Hayden for dinner. Thurs we went to a mommy group at starbuck's. This morning we were going to meet some people at the park but Emily woke up snotty so we just took Allie for a walk and hung low around the house. We all ready have a few things planned for next week.
Thanks for all the support. I have elevated Emily's mattress. and as far as naps this week she just didn't get many and sacked out pretty easy at night. Angie what are teething tablets?
Well I'm off to run errands, which includes my allergy shots. Hope football is alot better this weekend!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Feel like screaming or maybe just crying. I'm not looking forward to the "terrible twos" if 8 months is any indicator. What happen to my very easy sweet baby? Could it be the teething? and if so how freakin' long does that last? These fits are driving me crazy and they are even worse when Aaron is around. She will not go to bed - nap or at night. I know they go through a stage of crying themselves to sleep type of thing, but oh my these are full blown fits. She used to rub her eyes at night, we would pick her up and put her in the crib, and off to sleep she would be. (of course this was after the two months of her never crying except for 30 mins before bed every night - but then we learned the secret hold, very type across your chest, and she would soon give in) Anyway....I hope this stage passes quickly. I found a mommy group in our area, I may give it a try this week. Get me out of the house and meet other stay at home moms that won't ask me "So, what do you do all day?" Also maybe I'll find a babysitter. I don't really want to leave my 8 month old with a teen, espcially with her being sooooo hard to put to bed, but I'm hoping to find an older lady. We don't really want to go out alot but maybe just to know it was an option would be nice. Mom's day out seems pretty expensive but I think I'm going to have to stop talking about it and find one. I need a regular break. Aaron does great when he's home, but then that doesn't leave us any time together. Anyway.....just tired....tomorrw will be better and more on schedule.

And football this weekend SUCKED!!! UT, TEXANS, and TITANS all sucked!
The end....

Friday, September 08, 2006


Yeah! Friday

How was everyone's Labor Day weekend? We learned you can't watch football with an 8 month old - the game is at 7pm tomorrow - which we will record and start when she goes to bed around 7:30 ... :) Should be a good game! Sunday we discovered Brazos Bend State Park. The weather was actually pretty cool and we walked a little trail. Saw no alligators though and after all the hype they made about them I was a little bummed and I think Aaron was relieved! After the park we had bbq at a place that I thought was just up the road.....turns out just up the road about 45 was good. Monday we went to Cullen park - very nice paths under the trees. That afternoon I was trying to get Emily to take a nap and she had her very first full blown fit. She actaully was standing in the crib crying! You'll be glad to know that momma didn't give in and Emily did eventually take a nap. During the week she takes a morning and afternoon nap - no problems - but the weekends when Daddy's home - its hell. I guess she just wants to play with Daddy. So all week she's been crawling around and pulling up on everything, chasing the kitties, and playing with Allie. Amazing how much she's learned in just two weeks!
My parents were in Florida this week - thought they were going to watch the shuttle but it keeps gettig scrubbed. Today they got up about 4am - sat in the sun since sun up until about 11am - just before lift off and it was scrubbed. That just bites!! I think other than the whole NASA thing they've had a great time.
Bad news...Kristi's (my sister in law) mom may have cancer. They are starting the tests today. She is such a wonderful sweet lady - please send your good vibes.
And I almost forgot my punishment....I will not clog up the disposal. I will not clog up the disposal. I was making soup last weekend and too many peelings went down and clogged up the sink, making for an unhappy hubby - but as many times as I do it thank goodness I'm married to someone handy. I found him a leaf blower for FREE - on freecylce - so I think I'm out of trouble.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Hook'em Horns :)

Friday, September 01, 2006


September 1st

Happy 86th Birthday to my Grandmother! I wish we lived close enough to celebrate with her.

Aahhh September ---- feel it --- in the air -- NO not fall weather (does that even happen down here?)......FOOTBALL! Since no camping trip we are headed to Tom and Kristi's to watch the UT game tomorrow. Looking forward to watching the new QB -- keeping my fingers crossed that he is even half what Vince was / is - or this is going to be a very long season.

Had lunch with Aaron today - Emily dressed for the occassion ( She is still not sure about the shoes - but eventually gives up trying to get them off. Should have seen her face when we got home and I took them off --- so relieved and happy!

What are everyone's plans for the long weekend?
Hope everyone gets to enjoy some time with their family!

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