Monday, January 22, 2007


Friday continued....

Well Friday continued to be a great day - in a weird sort of way.
I had a dr. appt and got the results from some blood work. I have hypothyroid. Finally an explanation for feeling crappy.
So when I went to another dr. in the fall and was reading a poster about thyroid problems and said hhhmmm I have ALL those symptoms and the nice lady doctor said "I'm sure you're fine, just a tired new mommy." - I was justified in wanting to smack her :)
I hate when doctors don't take you seriously. OK she took my money seriously and ordered a CT scan - but wouldn't order the simple blood test for thyroid problems. Whatever! Not going back there even for a sniffle. I feel relieved that I have a diagnosis and plan to getting back to feeling like ME!!
We also got a treadmill over the weekend. Needed a little repair - which I took care of this morning, so hopefully Aaron can get it back together this evening and I can get serious about this 5k. I've been wanting to do one, and I mean atleast jog - not just walk, for a while -- but I said it out loud to Trish and I've typed it hear - so now I'm committed.

Friday, January 19, 2007



I am so excited! I got up this morning to check the weather and see if I could take all these dogs for a walk this morning. and there it email from my college roommate!!!! I made some good friends in college, but no one like Melanie! She taught me to be truly happy, among many other things :) As the years went by we've both moved a few times and lost touch. I can't explain how excited I am. I think about her alot - especially New year's Eve - her birthday is New Year's Day - talk about a birthday party! This may sound crazy but I've had thoughts of using one of those people search services to find her. It so hard to find females - epecially if they've changed names and moved. I remember when she called and told me she was pregnant - I'm looking forward to sharing the news of Emily with her. :)

Speaking of Emily - she's had a hard few days. I'm hoping its teeth. She's almost 13 months and only has the two bottom teeth. But last night she went to bed at 6:30 without a sound and slept peacefully through the night!!
Off to the dog park - Hope everyone's day starts out as great as mine! :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Very busy with my indoor activities - actaully just killing time. I updated my links - that's only taken 9 months. I read a few random blogs - lumpyhead being one of them. The lady just cracks me up for some reason. Rosie I just like. Not saying I always agree with her, but overall I like her. Then I just put a few links I tend to lose - like the Paramount in Austin. Its an old theatre downtown. Not really a bad seat in the house and they get some cool things. I think we will go to a concert for Aaron's birthday. And the sex offender one - well that's just handy to have.

Now about some of these random blogs I read. I didn't link all of them - but most I do enjoy. I find one lady in California amusing. She always writes about fashion and decorating --- really is that all you have to share or maybe that's just the intention of the blog. When I was pregnant and and not vomitting I would sit and read blogs - thanks to Jim. Then I started reading Angie's - cause Jim became a slacker and Angie shared more stories and pics of the kids (meaning I saw the reason I was tossing my cookies every day all day for 20+ weeks). Through Angie I found Kim. Now I've never met Kim but I feel so close to her. (that sounds so creepy to me for some reason) Anyway Kim is great at blogging -very seldom misses a day and just fills us in on her world - great pictures. Then I found Kelley's blog through Kim. Followed her house remodeling and building progress. Now I enjoy reading these girls. They are scrappers -- but devote their blog to other things. I'm not much on the scrapbooking and that seems to be the topic of most blogs I come across. I had one blog I loved from Canada - but they stopped when the twins turned two. I guess I like the blogs that share pics and stories of the kiddos. So that brings me to think about my own blog and what's the purpose. I seem to just ramble. Emily's blog is easy - just pictures - but this one I'm just not sure. I guess its just to share my idle thoughts.

So next blog's thought.....the English language and how it makes NO sense, especially spelling.
Hope everyone is staying warm!

Friday, January 12, 2007

I don't want to jinx it - but we've slept 3 nights now! :)
I think of so much to say here - but then I guess I get writer's block as soon as I sit down. Never been good at the whole journal thing. Hmm...oh yeah the other day we were talking about kids and if you would be upset if they followed in your footsteps. Most of the group said yes! I was a little surprised. I want Emily to have more self descipline than I do - but for the most part I'm not ashamed of my choices. I think a good life is one filled with stories - not neccessarily from studying in the library. My dad ALWAYS has a story - I guess that's what I thought I should have. So maybe I may censor my stories, but I still want Emily to enjoy life.
What's that saying about sliding into the grave with a worn out body, not a perfect unused one?

Making progress on the digital babybook. I think I just finished May. I'm not sure how much the thing is going to cost - at the rate I'm going it will be 60 pages!!! But hey its all about the kiddo right?

My goal this year is to keep up with birthdays better. -- so far so good :) I don't know who all reads this, but to be safe you should send me your birthdate :)

The weather has been great here. It will be cold next week, but I've worn shorts all January :) I pick summer as my favorite season, but I'm thinking I may have to change it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I'm up....just wanted to share

Ahhhh! 2:30am. Not a time I enjoy being awake. I''m sure I'll pay for it tomorrow - but Emily woke up at midnight and I can't go back to sleep - so I decided to share my rambling thoughts.
I had this weird sensation in my neck this evening. Could not figure it out. Yeah that would be soreness (spelling?) from the push ups I did. Sad when you can't even comprehend being sore because you haven't worked out in so long. I did the Billy Blanks Bootcamp workout. Well let me clarify that. I'm not a DVD workout girl - but with Emily's nap coinciding with the gym's kid's clud times, I've got to do something at home - so DVDs it is. I like the pilates - but wanted something a little high energy. I watched it through over the weekend. High energy it is! So yesterday I put Emily down for her nap - and I made it through the stretch and warm up. Yep that's it. and even worse....I'm sore. I will say those two steps included about 100 squats and about 30 pushups. I'm not down though I did take Allie for a big walk. So long story short - I accomplished some sort of exercise yesterday :)
Another accomplishment - I've been working on all the digital pictures so that we could burn CDs - to have as back ups. I'm got a few more months to do on 2006 and then I'll be caught up :)
Started Emily's baby book again. That is the goal for this month. Atleast the book I'm doing online - The other one will fall in place as that one does - just need a plan.
Other goal is to "spring clean". I looked around yesterday and really I don't have that much organizing and purging to do since we just moved in last year. Mainly the files, Emily's clothes and toys, and a really really really good housecleaning. I think I will try to do finish this week - then I will have clean work enviroment to focus on the book.
Now that we have all that settled - wonder if I can sleep?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Happy New Year

OMG!!! Too much too much! What a week. Honestly its nice to have some family time and see everyone, but the week we had was just too much. We are exhausted and stressed out. I'm so relieved that our schedule will be back to normal. We have a few things to do this week but nothing major like driving across the state of Texas twice and then having the kidney stone beat out of you, only to turn around and host a birthday party with a house full of people. Anyway moving on......kidney stone went well I guess. I've been exhausted and can't seem to wake up, but I go in tomorrow to make sure its all gone. Today I take Emily in for her 1 year checkup and vaccines. We put up all of the Christmas stuff, now I just need to clean up after birthday and then do some real cleaning and organizing. Then I need to seriously get busy on Emily's baby book. Its not really fancy or scrapbook like, just mainly pictures and a few info pages. Anyway I wanted it done by the new year, but like I said - no energy or time. So now it is my focus.
OH yeah!! Emily is walking. Sat she just stood up and started for Roxy. Kristi and I were in shock and wouldn't you know the camcorder was dead from the birthday party. I charged it over night and Aaron and I got a few steps on Sunday. You know how it goes - crawling is still faster!
I guess I should get busy.....

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