Friday, March 31, 2006


Just being cute

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Sleep is good

Yesterday I was thinking alot about Emily, how much she has grown, how much we've done in her first few months of life, and how good she has been. She was nine days old when we drove to Midland to see my grandmother and again when she was about a month old. At home she would eat about every two hours, but on the road I had to wake her up to feed and change her. At about 4 weeks old we decided to introduce the bottle and she took to it like no big deal - the first time was even from me. After about a month she was only waking up once in the night and then she would go to bed around 11pm and wake at 5am - no complaints here. Now she is usually getting to bed a little earlier and sleeping a little later. Pregnancy was not easy for me, but she has been great. I hope she continues to be an easy going individual.
So yes even on her cranky days - and we've had some - I am still grateful for my sleep and feel for those who are sleep deprived.
Emily laughed out loud yesterday for the first time :) She has been smiling for about a month, but no sound - she is also starting to "talk".
Hope you all enjoy your day :)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Emily is 3 months old today !

2 days old...

3 months old...

and growing !

Monday, March 27, 2006


aahhh the good life


Simon found a basket

Sunday, March 26, 2006


This is funny.....and no I don't care who you are

Saturday afternoon we got together with Tom and Kristi, for some much needed family time (that's a different story) We went to the Forbidden Gardens, which is about Chinese history, and it is next to our subdivision. Our tour guide, white blond hair female kept mispronouncing words and we just could not follow what she was saying, so basically I learned nothing.....but there was a cool pond on the way in with tons of turtles and fish :). Anyway we came home, everyone went home to walk their dogs and then we met back up to go to Outback. I was in a bit of a hurry cause I still needed to make bottles and what not. But I finally got dressed and out we went. Having a great time, couple of glasses of wine husband starts looking at me funny and announces to everyone "hey you're shirt is on inside out!" and then Tom says "well I was wondering about the buttons" Thanks guys! no really Thanks! I'm sure no one else noticed, but I still felt stupid. can dress me up....well no actually you can't.
Had a pretty productive weekend. Got the yard done, ants are dead so I can plant flowers this week, and Aaron hung the fan in the study and is working on the garage some more. Still need to fix the fence so Allie can't get out - hopefully this week or next weekend at the latest.
Enjoy the day!

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Emily's First Fish

Look what I caught!

Now kiss my toes :)


Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!

Ok few of you probably answered correctly but.........BOSS is BACK!! Boss is Tricia's Boston Terrier that has been gone since July 4th, 2005. Crazy. We think he was stolen and taken to Lawton, but the story has not completely unfolded yet. Anyway some couple found him in their yard and called the vet on his tags - which was still connected to Trish. Trish tried to pay the couple, but they said just seeing them back together was thanks enough. Boss is adjusting back to the pampered life - all ready has ball marks on all the walls in the house!
Welcome Home Bossy :)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Well I think I sold the sailboat. The guy is coming this morning. Even more sad to see the boat go than the car. I think we've had that boat for about 30 years. We didn't use it a lot, but still have many memories. Like falling out of it in the middle of the lake, my dad sailing circles and trying to catch my hand as he goes by, and my mom yelling at dad from the shore. I was around 5. Or that for some reason every time my parents took the boat out they managed to flip it - and as some of us know - my mom does not enjoy getting her hair wet! I loved teaching Aaron to sail - I think he really enjoyed and is sad to see it go. Anyway....its time to let someone else enjoy it instead of us storing it.
Yesterday was a good workout - I'm off to the gym early this morning so I'll be back in time for the guy to look at the boat.
I've been on allergy shots for about 4 years - having to transfer everything down here which really means starting all over with a doctor here. Didn't really find a dr. that I like, but whatever. I get my first shot today. I have to go in and sit 20 min. I'm going to miss just giving them myself at my convinience. They also do not do food shots here - and think I'm crazy for having done them. So I'm hoping that the ones I took for a couple of years have worked - if not I will be making a trip to Duncan. You can not convince they didn't work - I'm not sick anymore am I , and I can eat whatever.
I will try to post some pics of Emily today - admit it - that's really what you want to see - not listen to me ramble. :)
Enjoy the day!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Has anyone heard of Craig's List - online classifieds? I hadn't, until yesterday. As some of you know my grandmother is in a nursing home now and we inherited the Lincoln. So it was time to sell the Altima. (why do I get sad when its time to say good bye to car? maybe because you spend so much of your life in it? who knows) Anyway Aaron listed it on Craig's List - we had like 30 replys in an hour and sold it to the first guy for our full asking price. Apparently if you have a used car now is the time to sell. The guy was a used car dealer and said he couldn't keep any on his lot. I guess because of Katrina. He was even trying to buy the Lincoln. Anyway... I listed the sailboat and got one reply so far - maybe we will be able to sell it soon.
Still making headway around the house. I put out bug / ant killer and fertilized the flowers yesterday. Hopefully the ants will be gone soon and I can plant more flowers.
Today I see Jonathan - hope its a good workout but not brutal!
Hope to hear from more of you soon.
Enjoy the day!

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Emily's new toy....Jumperoo! Last weekend we had dinner with Vanessa and Jeff. They were sweet enough to let us borrow Lauren's swing, since ours did not survive the move. We are on our second set of batteries - Emily loves to move. She also likes Aaron to hold her up in the evenings - so we thought it might be time for the jumper. Schaefer grandparents had got us the kind that hangs from the door - but in this house we have no door frames. Lauren had one of these - was going crazy - very funny to see for the first time. So Friday I went and traded ours - Emily doesn't bounce like Lauren yet - but she enjoys being upright and looking around.

Aaron was awesome this weekend - he helped me finish painting the master bedroom and bath! That means only the kitchen is left to paint. We are going to have a bbq as soon as everything is done --- all will be invited. I helped him tidy the garage -- it is getting better. We also hung the dart board - with a cork background to save the wall from me - that Tom and Kristi gave him atleast 3 Christmas ago. Aaron also took care of Emily Friday afternoon so I could take a much needed nap. And Allie even got a bath - what a weekend! (even though it would have been much more fun to go camping with the Ellis family.....but we are learning flexibility now that we are parents)
Well the weekend isn't over yet......hang a ceiling fan or go to Wal-mart to buy a trash can?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Yeah it's the weekend! Last night we went out with Tom and Kristi for pizza - very good. On the way to their house, Aaron and I kept noticing this strange smell in the Jeep - cat urine. Since we have three cats you just start thinking which one it was and how sad you would be if they were gone---cause you're ready to kill them. Then you think - wait - they haven't been in the car and it didn't smell when I was out earlier. So what has been inside the house that is now back in the Jeep? Baby carrier - you know the one I just put Emily in, picked a pacifier out of and put in her mouth. Are you feeling my shock and horror - how I must be a terrible mother? So we get to Tom and Kristi's and I say - - can you smell this, which brings some strange looks. To my relief - no smell, and the carrier is dry. :) I did not put my child in cat urine!!! But the smell has not been resolved. We load up in the Jeep -- no smell. Start the engine and air conditioner -- SMELL -- Kristi said it has happened to them many times, a cat has sprayed the engine or something --- I'm relieved that we get to keep our kitties who all live inside the house!

Lesson learned from yesterday......if you have a trainer you should go to the gym more than just the day you see him. I worked with Jonathan last Wednesday - I think I went in that Friday and did something, but I can't remember, anyway...yesterday he said "so what have you done since our last workout?" Since he had asked Aaron where I was this past week I knew I couldn't lie. Punishment...full boby workout. I hurt today!! I know its good, and I'm happy to be getting back in shape - not just back to pre - pregnancy weight - but some nice muscle tone too.

Well its early and everyone is asleep, so I think I will go finish the painting in the master bedroom. I will be so glad when all the painting is done and I can just sit back and enjoy it all.

Enjoy the day!

Thanks for the comments Jim and Angie :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Houston Aquarium

A couple of weekends back we went to the Houston Aquarium. Emily looked around for a while, then decided it was nap time.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Emily is all smiles these days!!!


Just getting started!

I've enjoyed reading Jim's blog so much that I thought I would start my own. Hopefully it will make it easier to stay in touch with everyone and share pictures of Emily.
Feel free to post comments or just email - hope to hear from you soon!
:) reagan

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